State University
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Virginia, VA 23059
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Fall: July 31
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LGBT Travel Resources

The legal status of homosexuality differs greatly from country to country and it is important to be aware of these differences before embarking on a study abroad adventure. Your safety and personal comfort are of utmost importance to the study abroad office, so to ensure that your study abroad experience is the best it can be, we've compiled the following resources to help you choose the right destination for you. For a quick breakdown of the legal situation for the LGBT community by region, consult the maps below. Or click the link to view the complete world map of gay rights. For links to helpful information, click here or scroll down the page. 

Latin America and the Caribbean: 



Things to consider when planning your study abroad experience
  • Familiarize yourself with the laws regarding homosexuality in your host country.
  • Consult our list of resources and any others you find in order to connect with the local gay population safely.  Explore the gay lifestyle in your host country, but before venturing out to any gay venues, especially if you are studying abroad in a location that tends to be less friendly towards gays, thoroughly research the safety of your proposed destination online prior to visiting it.  If gay bars and clubs are often targets of homophobic hostility, search online for LGBT community centers or social groups in your area as an alternative way to join the local gay community. 
  • Read up on the different cultural perspectives on homosexuality in your host country, including religious concerns that may influence popular views on sexual orientation. 
  • Research how open the locals are to discussions of gender and sexuality, how rigidly gender roles are adhered to, how taboo these terms/concepts are. 
Helpful Resources and Information
Related Articles
Gay News and Magazines by Region

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